Teacupshihtzupuppiesavailable for adoption
- Teacupshihtzupuppiesavailable for adoptionColin Farrell has a Shih Tzu, Beyonce is rarely seen without her beloved Munchie, and the British monarchy owned them for years. It’s hardly surprising, though. The Shih Tzu is a small dog with a big heart who loves nothing more than hanging out with humans. The Teacup version takes all of those lovable traits to a new level. A tiny dog with the heart of a lion, a Teacup Shih Tzu, will happily go everywhere with you, providing endless cuddles, irresistible cuteness, and undemanding companionship. If there’s nothing you love more than something small and fluffy to cuddle, then you need a Miniature Shih Tzu in your life but, before you rush out and fall in love with one, there are a few things you should know about the breed. They may not need a lot of space, but they do have some quirks that mean they’re not the ideal dog for everyone
- Price:
- 350
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